Month: April 2023

What Kind of Person Do You Want Working at Your Company: Bruce Part 1

What Kind of Person Do You Want Working at Your Company: Bruce Part 1

Today you get to meet Bruce who directed employee relations for a credit card company with over 15,000 employees. Employee relations is where cultures are made. You will hear how Bruce kept the human in human resources and the very high price he paid. “I spent 36 years in HR, which is, you know, people can’t see, but I don’t have any hair.”

Bruce had so many great stories to share that I broke his interview into 2 episodes.

On this episode, he highlights the invisible things that create cultures like telling the truth, and listening to each other. You’ll learn Bruce’s biggest pet peeve “Let’s just start with the word meetings”, and how he would improve meetings to build a better workplace.

Bruce shares stories about the impact of COVID on his company culture and how it quickly shifted things from face-to-face (interpersonal) to online via social media. You’ll learn how his company made daily decisions to protect their company culture by clearly defining the kind of people they wanted to be working at their company. “Yes, we had a social media policy, but we often didn’t have issues of people posting things that were very questionable and where we had to decide whether or not it was appropriate or not violated policy actions should be taken.”

At the end, you will get to hear a workplace confession, something that didn’t make it through the doors of HR. Once again, this is my best friend at her worst. While I give her coworkers credit for retaliating, it is pretty disgusting, so decide if you really want to know what she fed her colleagues at the potluck…

Tune into the 2nd part of Bruce’s interview where he shares stories on how to truly become a memorable leader “That was literally 20, maybe like 22 years, I remember it was like yesterday. I remember being in the larger meeting room. And the impact that those, those messages had.”

Curious about creating a better culture or improve meetings, check out the resources below:

Build a Culture That Aligns with People’s Values, Harvard Business Review

Today’s Agenda, Cutting Down on Meetings, CBS News

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Haiku summary of Bruce Part 1

COVID impacts work…

by posting face to face chats,

Out for all to read.

Words Matter, How Someone Leaves Feeling Matters… So Sweat Those Details: Kelly

Words Matter, How Someone Leaves Feeling Matters… So Sweat Those Details: Kelly

Today you get to meet Kelly, who emphasizes the importance of kindness in Human Resources and the fragility of company culture. Her stories demonstrate how Human Resources can be the crisis hotline for leaders. The first call they place when they don’t know how to handle a challenging situation. We discuss the everyday decisions that leaders make that shape culture, and how much communication (and words) matter at work. You’ll hear stories of Phantom Crappers where poop rolls down hill and into HR, a passive aggressive behavior which could be improved with better leadership.

At the end, you get to hear a workplace confession, this one offers a compelling reason not to eat the candy from your coworkers candy dish.

Curious how to increase kindness in your workplace? Here are some links to get started:

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Kindness at Work

Corporate Culture is Everyone’s Responsibility

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Poop at work is an

Indication that you need…

Leadership training!